The Christmas House Opens

The house opens its magical door this coming weekend. Due to the conditions in place for social distancing we have been unable to open this year, and the little house has missed you all. It’s been slumbering quietly, dreaming up wondrous things; so please do visit – a tonic of festive magic and cheer awaits. We will apply common sense social distancing and will limit numbers at the door. And please don’t forget your mask.

12th & 13th December 11am – 5pm
19th & 20th December 11am – 5pm
23rd December 11am – 5pm
24th December 11am – 5pm*
Entrance fee on the door Adult £5 Child £3 – no booking required
*Special Christmas Eve with Tudor spiced wine Adult £7 Child £3 – booking required

The Christmas House
Once Long ago in the depths of winter, when the sun had left and the sea ghosted into grey, threads of smoke began to rise from dwellings huddled in Hastings’ old fishing quarter. Fires were being lit. Bread was being baked. And little lights started to twinkle behind windows shuttered tight at 135 All Saints Street. A Christmas tale had begun.
The dark days of December provide an opportunity to experience first hand this fairytale home at Christmas, lit by candlelight and with log fires crackling. Filled with the smells of spiced wine and wood-smoke, and decorated with traditional Christmas decorations of spruce and home-baked gingerbread, this is an enchanting experience. It’s like entering the pages of a Grimm’s brothers tale, both unimagined and unprecedented, and sets a poetry for the Christmas festivities to come. Driven by his fascination with beauty, Alastair’s individualistic and pure vision is augmented by an acute sense of time and space, and a preoccupation with the unreal, the dark, and the preternatural. Unleashing memories of childhood as a source of aesthetic experience, he’s created The Christmas House to share with you all.
This is also the home of our Christmas story, The Elves & The Baker and our Christmas recipes, all beautifully illustrated by photography and words in our Christmas House storybook, which can be purchased at the house or at our store. All are welcome, and families with children are encouraged to live the magic by having one of their family read the story to them by the open fire, while sat in wingback chairs in the very house where the fairytale is set. It’s as if the elves have just skipped out, a few crumbs left upon on the floor.
Come and see – you will be filled with Christmas wonder and good cheer.
Call us on +44 (0)1424 447171 or email for more information

Merry Christmas to you – and don’t we all deserve it!